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Liposuction An Overview, Benefits & Risks

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgical procedure that removes fat from specific areas of the body, such as, thighs, buttocks, neck, abdomen or arms using a suction technique. It is also known as lipoplasty or body contouring. Liposuction is done to remove stubborn fat from those areas of the body that have not responded well to diet and exercise.

However, this doesn't mean that it will treat all the obesity-related problems. That is because liposuction isn't a typical weight-loss method. You are more likely to lose weight through a healthy diet and exercise than lipo surgery.

An Overview of Liposuction Procedure

Apart from removing fat from the specific areas of the body, lipoplasty is also used for breast reduction or treating gynecomastia.

In obesity, a person's fat cells increase in size and volume. Liposuction is a surgery that reduces the number of fat cells in a specific area of the body. The volume of fat and appearance of the area are the factors that decide the amount of fat to be removed. Generally, the resulting contour changes remain permanent as long as your body weight remains stable.

After the surgery, the skin starts to mould itself to the new contours of the areas that are treated. People with good skin elasticity are more likely to have smooth skin after the surgery. The skin may appear lose if you have poor elasticity and thin skin.

Liposuction does not improve other skin surface irregularities, and it also does not improve stretch marks.

Types of Liposuction

There are many types of liposuction techniques. However, all of them include the use of a thin tube, called a cannula, connected to a vacuum to suction the unwanted fat from your body.

The types of liposuction are:

1.Tumescent liposuction

2.Laser-assisted liposuction

3.Ultrasound-assisted liposuction

4. Power-assisted Liposuction (PAL)

Benefits of Liposuction

This cosmetic surgery is done for aesthetic purposes, but it is also used to treat health conditions like:

  • Gynecomastia

  • Lymphedema

  • Lipodystrophy syndrome

  • Lipomas

Are you a Good Candidate for the Surgery?

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery procedure, and while it has many benefits, it comes with certain risks too. You must have a sound health before you get the surgery done.

You must be within 30% of your ideal weight and have firm and elastic skin to get the surgery done. Also, you should not have any disease like artery disease, diabetes, or a weak immune system.

Before you get the surgery done, talk to your doctor about any health issue that you have or any medications that you are taking.

Risks Associated with Liposuction

Every surgical procedure comes with a certain risk, and same is the case with liposuction. Some of the risks related to liposuction are:

  • Fluid accumulation

  • Infections

  • Bleeding

  • Fat embolism

  • Internal puncture

  • Numbness

  • Kidney problems

  • Heart Problems

  • Damage to muscles, lungs, and abdominal organs

How long Will it Take to Recover?

You can expect bruising, swelling, and soreness after the surgery for at least a few weeks. The patient may also be asked to wear a compression garment by the surgeon for a month to control swelling. Patients are also given antibiotics to prevent infection. It usually takes two weeks for patients to recover. You can ask specific questions about your recovery to your doctor for better recovery.

All in all, liposuction is an effective surgical procedure for enhancing your appearance. Ensure you go to the best surgeon for getting the surgery done.

The author is associated with MedSpa Clinic Delhi and has written many articles and blogs on cosmetic surgery , plastic surgery, liposuction . Keep in touch, to get more information on liposuction surgery in Delhi and India.

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